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Student Support Programs

The Student Services Department provides support to ALL students who need additional or personalized assistance. Our goal is to remove barriers that impede students and families from being successful so that they can reach their full potential. We strive to provide high standards of learning and student well-being through programs that address the whole child. Student Services encompass academic and behavioral interventions, mental health and wellness, social-emotional learning, and extended day and extended year intervention and enrichment opportunities. These programs are provided in partnership with parents, guardians, and the Weld Re-3J community.

Elementary Literacy

  • Ensures that core reading instruction and interventions are effective and have a solid research base
  • Complies with READ Act, Individual Literacy Plan procedures and reporting to the Colorado Department of Education (CDE)
  • Provides coaching and professional development opportunities in the teaching of reading for literacy teachers and classroom teachers

Gifted and Talented

GT Handbook-English   GT Handbook-Espanol

  • Supports the identification and programming for gifted students in grades K through 12
  • Collaborates with staff, parents, and the community for resources and support of advanced learners

Multilingual Learner (ML) Development Supports and Programming

  • Improves and enhances the education of MLs in becoming proficient in English, as well as meeting the Colorado Academich Content Standards through supplemental school funding from Title III, a grant under the ESEA
  • Provides professional development for increasing the capacity of principals and other school leaders, administrators, and instructional staff working with MLs and promotes parent and family engagment

Title I

  • Title I funding is the largest of the entitlement grants received through the Consolidated Federal Programs and supports schools with high student poverty rates by providing literacy specialists, professional development for staff, reading diagnostic and progress monitoring assessments, ongoing data analysis, and summer literacy programs 
  • Helps ensure that all students have the opportunity to receive a quality education and targets resources to districts and schools whose needs are greatest.
  • The Title I program in Re-3J: 
    • Provides additional elementary school interventionists who teach targeted literacy and math instruction
    • Emphasizes parent involvement and supports

Special Education

  • Identifies students who have an educational disability and provides necessary services through a process that involves parents or guardians, school administrators, regular education teacher(s), special education personnel, and the student when appropriate
  • Individual Education Plans (IEP) are developed by the team and reviewed yearly with modifications made if needed
  • Educates students with IEPs in the least restrictive environment and offers a continuum of services delivered by special education staff members ranging from consultation with regular education teachers to varying amounts of direct services to students with disabilities based on their present levels of performance

Special Services

  • Homebound Instruction is intended for those who qualify for short-term educational support for approximately five to ten hours per week and should not replace or duplicate school-based instruction
  • Home School Education is not regulated in the state of Colorado, therefore, it is the responsibility of the parent to acquire books, supplies, tests, and maintain permanent records for their student. Written notification of a parents intent to home school must be provided to the school and needs to include the child’s name, age, place of residence, and attendance hours
  • The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education program objectives are to increase the access, stability, and educational success for youth and families experiencing homelessness

Student and Family Advocacy

  • Provides wrap-around case management for students and families identified at-risk of school disengagement or dropout
  • Focuses on connecting families with internal and community resources to improve and address chronic absenteeism, school disciplinary action, or lack of academic progress
  • Supports students with social-emotional learning and awareness and healthy coping mechanisms through small group intervention


Additional Links and Resources

Contact Information:

Jenny Wakeman

Assistant Superintendent

(303) 536-2002

Benjamin Palmer

Executive Director of Early Childhood and Special Education

(303) 536-2006